Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To sleep, perchance to dream...


At my very first fraternity party freshman year of college, a drunken upperclassman gave me the following haunting advice: "Grades, social life, or sleep. Pick two." Four years later, these words unfortunately still ring true. When you're managing a full time job and social life, sleep is often the first thing to go. Despite my best intentions, I'm guilty of regularly depriving myself of the shut eye I require to truly function at my best. Whether I'm out on the town or furiously scouring Rent The Runway at 3am, disciplining myself to keep a regular bed time is something I've been struggling with lately. And it's a shame. Studies have shown that people who get more sleep are more energetic, more focused, skinnier, happier, calmer, healthier, and have better sex lives! So my new goal is to get my tired ass into bed an hour earlier every night for the next week, and I challenge all of you to do the same! Sweet dreams ladies...


  1. So funny... I've been trying SO hard to keep to a bed time, but just yesterday I told Jurgen I'm giving up on bed times because I just can't keep to it :/ But you are so right... on the rare occasion that I get 8 hours, I feel so much better and productive the next day!


  2. I know it's one of the easiest/hardest ways to be in a good mood!! I'll let ya know how my little experiment goes!
