Monday, June 24, 2013

Add some sparkle to your summer...

A smattering of ideas for cultivating more joie de vivre as the temperatures rise…

* Say yes to random invitations

* Try something new and be willing to make a fool of yourself 

* Dedicate your yoga practice (or spin class or soccer game) to someone you love or a cause you care about 

* Cook a delicious meal and share it with your roommates 

* Sleep naked 

* Visit a psychic 

* Make a new friend 

* Attend a rooftop pool party 

* Carry a miniature water gun in your purse 

* Read a genre of book that is outside your norm 

* Get a massage 

* Stay up all night looking at the stars 

* Put flowers in your hair 

* Take a road trip 

* Buy a fun plant and give it a name 

* Turn off your cell phone for a day 

* Go on a bike ride 

* Write a list of everything that is bothering you on a piece of paper and burn it 

* Create a weekly ritual with friends

* Eat a popsicle 

* Wear sundresses

* Go for a long walk by the water 

* Grab a stack of your favorite magazines and lay in the sun 

Feel free to leave your own ideas for generating a little summer sparkle in the comments below...

Photos: Pinterest 

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