The above photo made me laugh and pretty much encapsulates my feelings about new years resolutions. I'd much rather dream about and celebrate the year to come than set a bunch of unrealistic goals about how this year I will finally become perfect. So in lieu of more typical resolutions, I've decided to choose a word for 2012 that will guide my thoughts and actions. And that word is "Savor". Here is a brief snapshot of what I look forward to savoring in 2012...
Belly laughs * Late night Vampire Diaries marathons * My boyfriend's hugs * New books * New friends * Old friends * Weekend getaways * Sparkly dresses * Ideas * My morning coffee * Travel * Twizzlers * Being kind * Pedicures * Work * Walking in nature * Massages * Giving back to the world * Creating beauty everyday * Living simply * Family * Dance * Yoga, yoga and more yoga!
Wishing you all a wonderful 2012. I invite you to join me in savoring all that it has to offer.
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